Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Hey all you cool cats! I hope the beginning of the week has been super cool for everyone! I know mine has!

Yesterday morning I saw Pastor and Mrs. Pastor Lisa off on their way to the airport but I wasn't sure where they were heading.

Then, this morning as I was awaiting my daily rub down and hair style from T I overheard one of the girls talking to Pastor. He is all the way up in Vancouver this week! WOW! That's a LONG way! He is there for the Vancouver Focus Advocates Meeting, and will also visit some of the missionaries that FBC Decatur is partnered with in our 3 year partnership.

He said that he and Mrs. Pastor Lisa got to have dinner at the Frog Grill with John and Tiffany last night. Yummm-mmmy! Boy would I like to have some of those frog legs! I wonder if I could have snuck into Pastor's bag like the cat I heard about on the news?! It might have been a bumpy ride down there, but it would have been worth it for those frog legs and maybe some salmon to go with them! After dinner they got to tour John and Tiffany's new space, and it sounded really nice! What a blessing for them to have this space that is large enough for everyone to come. Now all they need is for volunteers to come and paint! I was a painter in my 3rd cat life, and think I could definitely help them out! Sign me up!

Speaking of super cool, Pastor also told the girls that the weather is beautiful in Vancouver, a crisp 50 degrees. How I wish it was 50 degrees here! This week has been close to 85 everyday so far, and when you have a black fur coat it gets pretty hot! Maybe I should look into a summer hair cut...I'm thinking maybe a Bob or a shave. What do you think?

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and I'll update if I hear more from Pastor in Vancouver. Everyone be sure to be here tonight for some good home cooking! We are having brisket, potato salad and baked beans...sounds good!

I'm heading out to enjoy the weather before it gets scorching hot. Talk to you soon!

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